What not to say to your Chiropractor

“Can you look at my toenails?”

Nope, sorry! You’re thinking of a chiroPODIST!

Sorry I haven’t shaved today”

Please please please stop apologising for your body! I seriously don’t care/am not looking at body hair, stomach rolls, anything! Your body isn’t going to phase me.

“This is a stupid question but…”

I never want you to feel like you can’t ask me something! I try my best to explain things in a way anyone can understand but don’t feel embarrassed if you need me to repeat anything or explain something a different way.

“I’m probably wasting your time”

I get a lot of people who are in pain when they make the appointment, but feel better/mostly better on the day of the appointment. That does not mean you are wasting my time! It’s still a good idea to get these things checked and I can advise on how to prevent future episodes

“My pain is 11/10”

Rating pain is hard, but rating it off the scale shows a lack of understanding of the scale where 10/10 pain is incapacitating. Here is the actual pain scale:


Could it be stress?


Why you should wear a body protector