Not just cracks! Activator

Not many of you will have seen my activator yet, I save if for those who do not like or cannot be adjusted - for example older people or people who are in so much pain they cannot get into the position needed for an adjustment. For those of you who have had it, the activator is the clicky thing that sounds like I’m stapling you back together! The click comes from the tool itself rather than your joint so it’s great for those who are grossed out by the sound of crunching joints (and it’s also great for Chiropractors with worn out hands)!

Over 80% of chiropractors* use an activator

*BCA registered

How does it work?

Activators are easy to use. You can adjust the amount of force the tool emits so its very precise. The tool is lined up to the joint that needs mobilising and the Chiropractor squeezes the handle to create the thrust. It is thought that the activator triggers a reflex response that causes the muscles that attach the the joint that is being treated to relax.

What does it feel like?

You will feel a little bit of pressure as I line it up to where it needs to be, followed by a gentle tap into the joint. It can be a little bit uncomfortable for people that are in a lot of pain already, however if you are used to having adjustments then it won’t feel like much by comparison as there is less force and a smaller area being treated.

Want to know more?


Not just cracks! Muscle energy techniques


Not just cracks! Sports tape