What is involved in a Chiropractic treatment?
An adjustment, often referred to as manipulation, (or crunching and cracking!) is what Chiropractors use to loosen stiff joints in the body. People often ask if we’re putting a bone back into place…
Not just backs! Plantar fasciitis
In today's "Not Just Backs" we are covering plantar fasciitis, a.k.a: policeman's heel. Plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the fascia (a type of connective tissue) that runs along the bottom of your foot. Most people feel the pain in their heel, and find it especially painful when taking their first steps in the morning…
Have you got a crumbling spine?
Probably not.
Here's the thing, there's no official medical diagnosis for "crumbling spine", yet at Gillingham Chiropractic Clinic we hear people talking about it all the time. When people hear the term crumbling spine they hear pain, disability and fragility. Many people don't seek further help, assuming they are condemned to a lifetime of pain. But that's not always the case.