5 steps to better posture
For those of you who make new years resolutions, improving your posture should be one of them! Poor posture can lead to a whole host of problems; it can negatively affect your breathing, can cause headaches, back pain - it can even take a psychological toll, affecting mood and self-confidence. Read on to find out my 5 steps to better posture.
1) Find your neutral spine
your spine naturally forms an S shape. We call this a neutral spine, & it is the position in which your spine is at it's strongest. Keep your chin tucked, your shoulders down & rock your pelvis forward & backward until you find where the mid point is.
*Extra top tip: if you slouch when sitting, find something to support your low back, whether that's a cushion, or ever a rolled up towel or jumper
2) Move
Our bodies weren't built to sit at a desk all day, make sure you get up & move at least every 30 mins - the same goes for driving, pull over, get out & get moving!
3) Stretch
poor posture causes muscles to shorten & become tight. Good areas to concentrate on are the upper trapezius, pecs, hip flexors, low back & glutes. Make stretching part of your daily routine.
4) Breathe
people with bad posture favour their "accessory muscles" when breathing. To practice diaphragmatic breathing, lie down & place one hand on your chest the other on your stomach. Focus on breathing deeply so that the hand on your stomach moves.
*Extra top tip: practice diaphragmatic breathing when you go to bed, it will help you to relax and get into the habit of deep breathing.
5) Strengthen
pilates & yoga classes are great for this. Your Chiropractor/physio/personal trainer/etc can also give you exercises specific to your needs.
*Extra top tip: exercises worth looking up -> Brugger's relief, pelvic tilt, Glute clams, bird-dog.