Am I too injured to see a Chiropractor?
“I’ve broken X, Y & Z in the past, can you still help me?”
In recent months I have been receiving messages from people wondering if they are too injured to see a chiropractor. While some injuries are beyond our remit at the immediate time of injury, this doesn’t mean we can’t treat the area in the future.
Here are just a few examples of previous injuries/other illnesses people have come to the clinic with:
Broken neck/back (and countless other broken bones! E.g. ankles, arms, wrists…)
Cancer patients
Post surgical (e.g. fusion, pinning, laminectomy)
Spinal cord injuries
Congenital abnormalities
More often than not I can treat the area despite previous injuries. Sometimes it means working around the problem, such as using gentler alternatives like needling, massage and mobilisation; or sometimes on old, healed injuries there is no reason why standard treatment can’t take place. Recently I’ve had a spate of old broken wrists in the clinic where the pain has either never fully gone away or has flared up again. In these examples I have been able to manipulate as normal to get rid of the pain.
For those where it is not appropriate to treat the area itself, there are still sometimes ways around this. For example there is evidence to show that treating the upper back, has a knock on effect on the neck. We can therefore relieve neck pain, without necessarily touching the neck!
If you have previous injuries or other comorbidities then you’d be a good candidate for our FREE CHAT option. You can have a 15 min, no obligation chat with us to see A) IF we can help, B) discuss HOW we can help and C) HOW LONG it should take