Should I wear a back support?

A common question we hear at Gillingham Chiropractic Clinic is

"Would a back support help?"

Before spending your money, here's what you should do:


  1. Get examined by a healthcare professional to assess whether your back would benefit from a support belt

  2. Choose a good brand of support belt, something durable, comfortable and easy to adjust

  3. Make sure you are shown where to wear the belt (a common mistake is people putting the belt on too high)

When should I wear a belt?

Situations where people are often recommended include after surgery, after an acute injury, or during activities which require a lot of physical exertion. However it should be noted that wearing a support belt for too long can do more harm than good, allowing your back muscles to become lazy as the belt does the work for them!

Wearing a back support for a few days during a flare up is fine, as is wearing it during something that you know might upset your back (e.g. gardening), but make sure you also exercise the back to keep it strong and mobile and do not use it as an excuse to not bend or lift properly!


Which belt should I buy?

The belt you buy will depend on the type of back problem you have. For those with sarco-iliac joint problems, you may prefer the serola SI belt (sizes S-XL). For lumbar support PhysioRoom have a wide range of adjustable belts (sizes S-XXL). There’s are a range of options available for those wanting to wear a support belt during pregnancy.

*Update* We now stock support belts at the clinic, feel free to pop in and try one on!


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