The ideal desk position
Computer Screen
Your screen should be directly in front of you with the top of your screen level with your eyes. The monitor should be around an arms length away from you.
Ideally your chair should be supportive and adjustable. It should be at a height where your arms can rest comfortably on the desk at about 90°.
* Top tip: if an adjustable chair isn’t an option, try rolling up a towel or jumper behind your back to provide some extra support, or you can buy a support to go over your chair.
Your feet should be flat on the floor, if that’s not possible with your chair/desk height, it might be worth considering buying a footstool. You may look a bit silly but your body will thank you!
Stand up!
We weren’t made to stay in one position too long. If you’re not able to get up and move every 30 minutes or so, invest in a stand so you can switch up positions and stand while you work for a while.
*Top tip: computer stands don’t have to be expensive, here is the basic one Emily uses!