My thoughts on back support belts…

If you asked me years ago whether I think back supports are worth it, I would have told you no. They do the work that your muscles should be doing for you, and you should be working on building your back muscles’ resilience, rather than rely on something else to do it for you.

Then my back went.

And It was agony.

I was in so much pain, all I could do was lie flat on my back. Any movement was awful, the slightest twitch, bend or twist. To this day it’s one of the worst pains I’ve ever felt, if not the worst pain. I phoned my chiropractor friend “calm down, just do what you’d tell your patients to do, go for a walk…” he said, “I CAN’T WALK!” I snapped back (with a few more swear words thrown in). So I got my mum to grab the first back support she came across. It wasn’t very good, but it was enough that I could potter around the house, and it meant that it didn’t take half an hour to walk down the hall to go to the toilet!

So after that, I decided to hunt for better back supports that I could a) keep for a rainy day and b) stock and sell to patients in need. Luckily I haven't needed it since (7 years on). But it’s helped countless patients.

The great thing about supports, is that they get you through the first few days of injury, where the pain stops you from doing normal daily activities. It allows you to move around more, which will help your back get better. Once you’re over the worst, you can stop wearing the support, and start doing gentle exercises to help your back.

Another great thing about selling the supports is you can try before you buy. If it’s going to help you, you will feel the difference right away. That saves you wasting money on something you might not need. It also means I can advise you on how to wear them (it’s often lower than you expect). I have refused to sell them in the past for conditions I know it won’t benefit - even though I’m sure the person immediately went home to buy one online anyway! I will only sell you a support if I think it will be of benefit to you.

So are back supports good for you?

If worn long term, no.

In the short term? Lifesavers.


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